BeverageStill Water 500mlSparkling Water 500mlSan Pellegrino Ara Rossa 300mlSan Pellegrino Aranciata 300mlSan Pellegrino Limonata 300mlSan Pellegrino Melograno 300mlSan Pellegrino Pompelmo 300mlSan Pellegrino Ginger Beer 300mlLipton Peach Ice Tea 300mlLipton Rooibos Ice Tea 300mlLipton Mango Ice Tea 300mlCoca-Cola 300mlCoca-Cola 600mlCoca-Cola 2LCoca-Cola Zero 600mlFanta 330mlPepsi 330mlFanta Orange 600mlFanta Grape 600mlFanta Apple 600mlSprite 600mlCream Soda 300mlAppletiser 330mlGrapetiser 330mlLiquifruitClausthalerWindhoek Non-AlcoholicDrinks N$15.75 – N$37.80 Sold By: Roberto's Pizzeria
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